MacRuby in Action Released on MEAP!

My book, MacRuby in Action, has just been released on Manning's Early Access Program (MEAP).  You can get the eBook right now and receive new chapters as they are released.  The print book should hit bookstores sometime next year.   If you buy it from Manning, you get the eBook now + the print book when it comes out. 

Here's a quick description of what the book covers.

MacRuby In Action is a tutorial for Ruby developers who want to code for OS X without learning Objective C. In it, you'll learn the ins and outs of the MacRuby language, including straightforward examples of creating OS X applications using Cocoa components. The core of the book is an example-driven tour of the Cocoa framework from the Ruby perspective that focuses on getting things done. You'll explore the key Cocoa design patterns, along with a few alternative twists that MacRuby makes possible. Finally, the book takes you on a tour through some high-value techniques including system scripting, automated testing practices, and getting your application ready for the Mac App Store.


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